A mental hygiene project - for those seeking to declutter thoughts and improve quality of life
Mind Fasting

About the project

All of us, as we conduct our daily business with the help of technology, inevitably end up bumping into a variety of distractions, which are fairly abundant in the digital world. A smartphone notification from the social app you frequent. An especially attractive ad or post, promoting fun and useful product, which just so started to feel needed by you. Or a memory of a game you have saved, pulling you in the virtual world of constant achievement and perceived improvement: new levels, characters, classes. For some, it might be even an urge to visit an adult website and enjoy a high variety of stimulating content. As if the world outside didn’t present enough challenges and chores to attend, all within a rather limited time of a modern person.

Mind fasting is meant to be a guide for those, whose attention doesn’t seem to be in the right place at important times. For people, who get lost procrastinating, while some important piece of work is left unattended, weighing heavier on the consciousness, as the interest of the burrowed time keeps accumulating. I’ll be sharing practical advice, along with psychological and philosophical argumentation behind it. I will share what helped me to get productive, rid myself of distractions, some from the list mentioned above, and hope to bring mental clarity and prosperity into your life.

For any topics, which are important for you, but are not covered, or aren’t explored enough here, please, feel free to use comments on articles, or Contact Form, to give your feedback. I’ll be glad to read and address it.